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Thank you to our sponsors who help us move our program forward.

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Shear Images by Carla

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African Heritage, Inc.

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Our Mission Statement

We carry forth the gospel, to all that will receive. We walk in the spirit of faith and meekness. We endeavor to live each day, as an example of the words of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are a ministry consisting of individuals, with hearts called and open to love, receiving it and giving it. Our hands are committed to service and our minds dedicated to the achievement of excellence, in all areas. We do this, as God so grants this body of Believers, divine opportunity. Our hands are outstretched to meet the needs of all the created, through the strength, wisdom and provision of the one and only Creator. Amen!


Image by Lina Trochez

This can be you!

Whether you’re looking to gain insight or are interested in how you can be a part of the solution - supplement your knowledge by calling M-W 9-5pm. If we are unavailable to take your call, please leave a detailed voicemail and someone from our team will respond within 24 hours.  We love having the opportunity to provide community members information about our group. Thank you.

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